The grass is lush and green, the trees and shrubs are budding to almost blooming and perennials are beginning to come back to life. All of this leads me to believe the opening of local farmer’s markets this week will be bountiful. And what is better than beautiful fresh vegetables, fruit, and herbs; these are the food, not just the ingredients. Every opportunity you have to eat whole clean foods, you nourish your body; when you eat better, you feel better.
Reaping the benefits of the abundance of fresh fruits and veggies is not just for our bodies, but also for our mood. Aside from the simplistic joy of getting outside, taking in the fresh air by walking thru the market and perusing the vast array of options, there is also the pleasure of imaging what new or different meals you will make as the seasonal foods are now available…it is these little things in life that can truly be uplifting. When you have good, fresh food to work with even the simplest of recipes will be delicious. In fact, don’t weigh the fresh foods down by adding to them; getting fancy can take away more than adding to the food.
So rain or shine, try to get out to the farmer’s markets. Grab a bag or basket, embrace the fresh air, even if muddled with rain, try something new and support the local farmers.