With a few new recipes before me, there was one in particular that I have been itching to try. My son Griffin is a huge fan of cinnamon rolls, so why not cinnamon roll cookies? Make sense right? Well, yes and no. While hopeful these cookies would be a hit, I am not a huge fan of cookie prep that requires chill time. But, as it was a glorious fall day and had a whole extra hour on my hands, I took my chances and made the dough, rolled the cookies and then enjoyed a some time outside while they chilled. The end result….some very yummy cookies with a seal of approval from all three boys!
So, the big question now, will they be added to the line-up of this years holiday cookies? Definitely maybe. Yes, they hit all of the marks from easy prep to a high approval rating from the critics, but a nagging concern is that the cookies may not make it out of the kitchen. Can the supply keep up with the demand?
So, while I am thrilled that the recipe was a hit with the boys; the testing will progress and am hopeful for big results. But for now, before decisions are made, there are still some recipes in queue to be tested for this years big cookie bake. Yet regardless of the recipes that make the cut, these cinnamon roll cookies will absolutely be a family favorite going forward.
“If a year was tucked inside a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour.” – Victoria Erickson