Almost any recipe that begins with the wafting aroma sauteing onions, garlic and mushrooms to fill the air is the foundation of a great meal in my book! As such, the steak and ale soup was the definite recipe needed with it’s blended ingredients simmering on the stove to make mouths water in anticipation. The flavorful concoction with the tender pieces of rib eye has the making of a perfect cold weather meal.
Thus, while happiness can be found in hot soup on a cold day, making homemade soup to warm the kitchen and beyond is the true warmth that the soup can bring. Although aromas of my mother’s cooking and baking continually filled our home, there was always a particular warmth and comfort to coming in on a cold day to the scent of soup. The soups that were made seemed symbolic of the love extended without words; a feeling of coming home to hug. In particular, the cold temperatures always resulted in a pot of shin soup while any and all ailments, chicken soup was in order.
There are the favorite pies, cakes, cookies or meals that are made to bring a smile as an expression of love but the depth in flavors married together in a soup is a different story; it is the caring of well-being…in a hopefully delicious way. For as I recall the various recipes from my youth, soup may not be the first to come to mind, but, as the cold hit this past weekend, the memories of soup on the stove on a cold day holds a special place. So as we inch in to winter and the falling temperatures, enter the season with abandon, show some love and get your soup on!
Good character like good soup is usually homemade. – Amish Proverb